»Mexico shower curtain

Leather motorcycle jacket tall Don't stop with a miniature Christmas tree, though. Continue decorating the rest of your dollhouse with garlands or red ribbons that reflect the holiday season. Hanging greenery on the walls or on staircase railings is always pretty. Wrap tiny packages with Christmas paper and place them under your tree, just waiting to be opened. Of course, you'll need Santa Claus decorations to enhance your Christmas theme as well! cornelius hotel in cornelius

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Action 36 granny Now that you've added warmth and spirit to the inside of your dollhouse, work on the exterior. Trim the eaves with miniature lights, just as you would your own home. Crafting a small wreath to hang on the door makes the exterior look more complete. Adding a tiny candle or even working in a miniature light in your wreath will give a nice finishing touch to the whole dollhouse Christmas feeling. You'll also need some artificial snow to make your winter holiday theme turn into a wonderland.
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